~Hey Folks!~
Guess who came by the store today from 12 to 2 PM? If you guessed Mad Coyote Joe then kudos! He was here signing and selling copies of his scintillating southwest cuisine cookbooks, Sonoran Grill and A Gringo's Guide to Mexican Cooking as well as his now considered rare book, On the Chile Trail.

But don't worry! If you wish you had been here to chat with this master of southwestern foodstuffs then you have another chance on September 25. Stagecoach Village is going to be playing host to a fantastic event called A Taste of Cave Creek, Joe will be there dishing out samples of his delicious concoctions as well as any number of other restaurants and bars.
Tickets for this event are $25 for adults and $10 for children aged 7-13 and children under the age of 6 are free.
For any extra information please call the store at (480) 575-7220 or email me at tara@pagesnewandrare.com